Friday, 12 May 2017

A Catch Up

Been out and about a few times over the last few weeks. 
I had a nice weekend with my family in the Lake District, where the destruction left by Storm Desmond was still evident.  Over the weekend we saw quite a few Pied Flycatchers and one or two Redstart.

A couple of trips to Harthope Valley surprisingly produced a few Slow Worms.  A species that seems to be doing well in that area.  


Around the Druridge Bay area recently I've managed a few shots of a Barn Owl, a superb Lesser Whitethroat and a very showy Grasshopper Warbler.

This morning I headed to Catton with Gwen, where we had a nice walk up onto the Moss to see the Short-toed Lark.  Then this afternoon I headed for Lynemouth Flash to see the very trusting Citrine Wagtail.