Out again this morning and I started at Horton Burn, where it was
a bit surreal seeing two Little Egrets flying around a housing estate. Also seen here was a very nice Kingfisher but
it disappeared down the burn as soon as it saw me. A quick look at West Hartford
failed to produce the Great Grey Shrike, but not surprising in that wind.
My next stop was Cambios were after a few brief sightings of
the Snow Bunting flock, eventually five or six did settle to feed under the
wind turbine.
I then headed to Seaton Sluice where a sift through the
Pink-feet flock did eventually turn up the Tundra Bean Goose. Unfortunately this happened just after Brian Bullough had
left after his third failure to find the Bean Goose. A tip for finding this bird is to look for
the most drap looking bird in the flock.
Not a bad couple of days birding, a good start to the 2015 year list.